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Welcome to the Undernet IRC Network
The Undernet is one of the largest Internet Relay Chat networks in the world, with an array of servers that spans three continents and links an online community of over 1.2 million people. We provide a complete assortment of services for both the new and experienced IRC user, and we invite you to explore this site and see all that the Undernet has to offer.

Refresh Frequency Server: 
Enter your nickname and click on CHAT.

X and W Commands List
Level 500 commands - Channel Manager 
Level 450 commands - Trusted Channel Admin 
Level 400 commands - Userlist Admin 
Level 200 commands - Userlist Op 
Level 100 commands - Channel Op 
Level 75 commands - New Channel Op 
Level 50 commands - Channel Regular 
Level 1 commands - Minimum Access 
Level 0 commands - Everyone else 


Level 500 : Channel Manager


SET : Changes special X/W modes for channel. After making any change to SET commands or channel modes, you must use the ADDCHAN command Level 450 commands for X or W to remember the channels defaults. 

/msg X,W SET #channel <variable> <value>

Variables for SET 

NoOp : This means that nobody may be a Channel Operator except X/W. This does not mean you don't have control of X/W or the channel. If you are authenticated, you can issue commands like kick, ban, etc. through X/W, you just can't be Op'd yourself. 
/msg x,w SET #channel NOOP ON 
/msg x,w SET #channel NOOP OFF
OpOnly : This command disables all of X/W's commands except Op. This does NOT prevent someone holding ops in the channel from excersing any of the Op commands themselves. 
/msg x,w SET #channel OPONLY ON 
/msg x,w SET #channel OPONLY OFF
FloodPro : The maximum number of KICKs, TOPIC CHANGES and such that can be sent to the channel in a 15 second period. Any user exceeding this limit will be kicked and suspended (if on the userlist). NOTE This does NOT work against normal channel dialogue, since X/W are +d (deaf) to all channel text. When setting the  FlooPro, value can be set from 3, which is the most sensitive to 20; which is least sensitive. A value of 0 turns off the option. 

        /msg x,w SET #channel FLOODPRO value 

Lang : Changes default language for the channel. 
en (English) 
es (Español) 
nl (Nederlands) 
fr (Français) 
ge (Deutsch) 
        /msg x,w SET #channel LANG value 

StrictOp : This allows only Level 100+ Users who are Authenticated to be Op'd. 
/msg x,w SET #channel STRICTOP ON 
/msg x,w SET #channel STRICTOP OFF


Level 450 : Trusted Channel Admin.


SET : Changes special X/W modes for channel. After making any change to SET commands or channel modes, you must use the ADDCHAN command (Level 450) so that W/X remembers the new channels defaults. 

Variables for SET
AlwaysOp : This variable insures that X/W will always have Ops. Note: By default this variable is set to ON and generally speaking should not be modified. 
/msg x,w SET #channel ALWAYSOP ON 
/msg x,w SET #channel ALWAYSOP OFF
When setting the MassDeopPro and NickFloodPro, value can be set from 3, which is the most sensitive to 10; which is least sensitive. A value of 0 turns off the option.

MassDeopPro : The maximum number of deops X will allow in a 15 sec period. Any user exceeding this will be DeOped, Suspended and a level 20 ban placed on them. 
/msg x,w SET #channel MASSDEOPPRO value
NickFloodPro : The maximum number of nick changes that can be done in the channel in a 15 sec period. Any user exceeding this number will be kicked from the channel and suspended (if on the userlist). NOTE : The .noclones patch makes this variable obsolete, since it will not allow rapid nick changes. 
/msg x,w SET #channel NICKFLOODPRO value
UserFlags : Determines whether or not AUTOOP will automatically be set to ON or OFF when a new user is added to the Userlist. Default value is 0 (OFF). NOTE: Once a user is on the Userlist, the AUTOOP command can be issued to change the value for that individual alone. (see AUTOOP Level 400). 
0 = AUTOOP OFF for new users 
1 = AUTOOP ON for new users 
/msg x,w SET #channel USERFLAGS 0 
/msg x,w SET #channel USERFLAGS 1 
Description : Sets the default channel topic. Maximum of 79 charcters. This does NOT affect the actual channel topic, unless autotopic is on. The topic can be seen only in the chaninfo, or on the webpage. 
/msg x,w SET #channel DESCRIPTION value
URL : You can state your channel homepage address with this option (maximum of 75 characters). This  does NOT affect the channel topic, unless AUTOTOPIC is ON (Level 450). The description and URL can be seen only by using the CHANINFO command (Level 0), or on the webpage. 
/msg x,w SET #channel URL value
AutoTopic : This flag makes X or W reset the topic to the channel URL and Description every 30 minutes. Note that if the channel is idle, the topic will not be reset during that time. 
/msg x,w SET #channel AUTOTOPIC on 
/msg x,w SET #channel AUTOTOPIC off
JOIN : Tells X/W to join your channel. You must use the ADDCHAN command (Level 450) so that W/X remembers to rejoin the channel after netsplits. 
/msg X,W join #channel
PART : Tells X/W to part your channel. 
/msg X,W part #channel
ADDCHAN : X/W Auto Rejoin & Maintain Channel Defaults. This command must be issued after any changes are made to the channel defaults or the changes will be lost should a netsplit occur. 
/msg X,W addchan #channel
REMCHAN : Remove X/W from the AutoJoin Database and clear any channel defaults. This command has the opposite effect of the ADDCHAN command. You will need to make X/W join if it ever leaves and it will not maintain any modes. NOTE: This command does NOT purge your channel. 
/msg x,w remchan #channel


Level 400 : Userlist Admin


ADDUSER : Adds a user to the channel's Userlist. Password is Mandatory. Don't use your password. Use a password you choose (the User can always change it after being Added) or use one the User provides to you. NOTE: If the User is online, just use the Nick but if the User is offline, use Nick and *!*userid@*.host You cannot AddUser someone with equal or higher access than your own. 

AddUser for X - /msg ADDUSER #channel nick level password 
OR if the user is not online- /msg ADDUSER #channel nick *!*userid@*.host level password 
AddUser for W - /msg ADDUSER #channel nick level password 
OR if the user is not online- /msg ADDUSER #channel nick *!*userid@*.host level password

CLEARMODE : Clears all channel modes. Can be used when your channel has been locked up. (SET +i or +k without your knowledge) NOTE: The best option to gain access to your channel when it has been locked up is as follows: 
Authenticate; Type /msg x (or w) status #chan to see the key; 
If the channel is +k but not +i Join your channel, Type /join #chan KeyHere 
If the channel is +i Invite yourself, Type /msg x (or w) invite #chan nick 
then Join your channel, Type /join #chan KeyHere (if Keyed)
/msg X,W clearmode #channel
MODINFO : The folllowing commands can be used to make changes to existing users in a channel's Userlist. All commands require the nick recorded in the Userlist, not necessarily the nick that they are online with at the time the command is issued. 
Variables for Modinfo 

Access : Changes the access level of a user. Access level can be set between 1 and one less than your own level (if you have an access level of 400, you may assign a level of up to 399 to other users). 
/msg x,w MODINFO #channel ACCESS nick newlevel
AutoOp : Changes autoop from ON to OFF. Autoop means that X/W will op an authenticated user when they enter the channel. 
/msg x,w MODINFO #channel AUTOOP nick ON 
/msg x,w MODINFO #channel AUTOOP nick OFF
Match : Changes the user@host for a user in X/W's database. Useful if a user on your channel has changed ISP. See How To Make A User@host for instructions on how to create a correct userhost. Userhosts such as *!*@*.host or *!*userid@* are NOT acceptable. 
/msg X,W modinfo #channel MATCH nick *!*user@*
NewPass : Permits an autheticated user with higher access to change a password of a user should a password be forgotten. 

/msg MODINFO #channel PASSWORD nick newpasswordhere 
/msg MODINFO #channel PASSWORD nick newpasswordhere
REMUSER : Removes a user from the channel database. You must have higher access than the user you want to remove. 
        /msg x,w REMUSER #channel nick 
STATUS : Displays all special X/W modes, Channel modes and the number of users in your channel. Neat huh :) 

/msg x,w STATUS #channel


Level 200 : Userlist Op


CLEANBANLIST : This command works only for expired bans and does not clear the X or W banlist. 

/msg x or w clearbanlist #channel
MASK KICK : This should be a seldom used command. Use should be limited to extreme channel flooding or clones. 
/msg x,w kick #channel *!*user@*.host reason (optional)


Level 100 : Channel Operator


DEOP : Deops one or more persons in you channel. (Keep in mind the limit that may be in effect with MASSDEOPPRO (see MASSDEOPPRO level 450) 

/msg X,W deop #channel <nick1> [nick2] [nick3]
INVITE : Have X or W invite yourself to your channel. 
/msg X,W invite #channel <nick>
OP : Ops one or more persons in your channel 
/msg X,W op #channel <nick1> [nick2] [nick3]
SUSPEND : Suspends a users access to X/W for the specified period of time. Time: S = seconds , M = minutes, H = hours or D = days. You can only suspend someone with access lower than yours. 
/msg X,W suspend #channel nick or (user@host) 10 M
suspends a user for 10 minutes UNSUSPEND : Unsuspends a user on your access list. 
/msg X,W UNSUSPEND #channel nick


Level 75 : New Channel Operator


BAN : The ban command adds a specific userid@host to the X/W banlist for up to 336 hours (2 weeks). You may place a ban on a nick if the person is online or ban the userid@host if the person is not online. The ban level can range from 1 to your own level. Ban level 20 - 74 prevents the user from having ops. Ban levels above 75 prevent the user from being in the channel at all. 

/msg X,W BAN #channel nick [duration in hours] [level] [reason] if the user is online 
/msg X,W BAN #channel *!*userid@*.host [duration in hours] [level] [reason] if the user is not online
UNBAN : Removes a userid@*host from the W/X banlist for a channel. You must at least have the same access level as the level of the ban to remove it. 
/msg X,W unban #channel <nick|user@host> if the user is not online 
/msg X,W UNBAN #channel nick if the nick is online and the nick's userid@host matches that of the ban


Level 50 : Channel Regular


KICK : Tells X/W to kick somone from your channel, reason is optional. Your nick will be placed in the kick msg. 

/msg X,W kick #channel <nick> [reason]
TOPIC : Has X/W change the topic in your channel. NOTE: If a Description has been set and AutoTopic is ON, this topic will be overwritten in 30 minutes unless the channel is idle. 
/msg X,W topic #channel newtopic


Level 1 : Minimum Access


STATUS : This does the same thing as level 400 status EXCEPT, it will not report channel modes (+nt ect) to anyone with access below 400. 

/msg X,W status #channel
LOGIN : This loads your access listing into memory and authenticates you on your channel. Note : "LOGIN" and "PASS" are interchangeable in this command. 
Login X : /msg login #channel password 
Login W : /msg login #channel password
DEAUTH : If you have sent your password already and would like to deauthenticate yourself. Use this command. 
/msg X,W DEAUTH #channel
NEWPASS : Permits a user to change their own password. User must be authenticated with the old password before the command can be issued to change to the new password. 
For X : /msg NEWPASS #channel newpasswordhere 
For W : /msg NEWPASS #channel newpasswordhere
PASS : See LOGIN (Level 1) 


Level 0 : Everyone else


ACCESS : Can look up the access for a certain person or a string. Example : /msg X,W access #channel *!*@* , would return all AOL users with access on that channel. Use /msg x,w access #channel * to see all users if there are less than 15 entries in the channel. If more than 15, go to and click on Userlist. Also you can use these options instead of a nick or string. 

Access options 

nick - shows the access level of a single user 
/msg x,w ACCESS #channel NICK
-min level - show only users above the given level 
/msg x,w ACCESS #channel -MIN level
-max level - show only users below the given level 
/msg x,w ACCESS #channel -MAX level
-autoop - Show only users with autoop on. 
/msg x,w ACCESSS #channel -AUTOOP
-noautoop - Show only users with autoop off. 
/msg x,w ACCESS #channel -NOAUTOOP
-modif - Shows who last modified the access listing 
/msg x,w ACCESS #channel -MODIF
Access Flags : - output of access command -X- USER: Blahguy- (*!*username@* ACCESS: 1 LMPU 
-X- CHANNEL: #foochan -- AUTOOP: ON 

L = Loaded in memory, An access remains listed in memory for 90 minutes after you log off. 
M = Modified, but not saved to disk, database is autosaved every 90 minutes. 
P = Has a password. 
U = User is currently authenticated. 
BANLIST : Shows the channel banlist. You must be in the channel to use this command. 
/msg X,W banlist #channel
CHANINFO: Displays whether or not a channel is registered, and to whom. 
/msg X,W chaninfo #channel
HELP : Displays help file on a given command. 
/msg X,W help [command]
LBANLIST : Searches X/W's banlist for a certain string. Use * to see the whole list. 
LBanlist : /msg X,W LBANLIST #channel to find a specific ban; OR /msg X,W LBANLIST #channel * to see up to 15 bans
LOGIN : This loads your access listing into memory and authenticates you on your channel. Note : Exact same as pass 
Login X : /msg login #channel password 
Login W : /msg login #channel password
MAP : Shows a map of connected servers. 
Map : /msg X,W map
MOTD : Displays X/W's message of the day. 
Message of the Day : /msg x,w motd
SHOWCOMMANDS : Shows all commands you can use on a channel with your access level.
/msg X,W showcommands #channel
SHOWIGNORE : Shows X/W's ignore list. This is what happens when someone tries to or accidentally floods X/W. The time length is 60 minutes. 
/msg X,W showignore
VERIFY : Displays whether or not a person is an official cservice representative, helper or an IRC Operator. If X/W answers that the person is "NOT an authenticated CSERVICE representative" please come to #cservice and ask about them. 
Verify : /msg X,W verify nick 

User list management
Manage or consult your channel's user list from the comfort of your favorite WWW-browser. This feature will allow you to view the complete list of users on the channel you specify. Just enter the channel name into the blank and click on "Go baby!"

Enter the channel name (W): 
Enter the channel name (X): 

Ban list management
Same as with the user list, but this time for the ban list. Just enter the channel name into the blank and click on the "Go baby!"

Enter the channel name (W): 
Enter the channel name (X): 

Channel information
Obtain the information X/W has stored in its databases with regards to the channel you specify. This is an interesting way to find out whether your channel has been registered. :) Again, just enter the channel name in the blank field and click on "Go Baby!".

Enter the channel name (W): 
Enter the channel name (X): 
Channel search
Obtain a list of the channels that are registered by the Undernet Channel Service, along with a short description and a link to their home page. Just enter a list of keywords (e.g. help) and click on "Go Baby!".

Enter search keywords (W): 
Enter search keywords (X): 

/WHOIS on the web!
Find out if your friends (or enemies) are currently signed on to Undernet IRC. This works just like the IRC /WHOIS command. Just supply a nick and click on "Go Baby!"

Please enter a nick: 

Online HELP files!
You can access the channel service HELP files from this page. All you have to do is enter a command and then click on "Go Baby!"

Please enter a command: 

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